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The Diablo work team has released the first look: Storming Pandemonium in Reaper of Souls. You will face the new game then.

All active auctions will expire as normal following the shutdown of the gold and real-money auction houses on Tuesday, March 18. Once the shutdown is complete, items will either be delivered to the current highest bidder or returned to the seller, appearing in each player's Completed tab. Unclaimed gold will also appear cheapest diablo 3 items in the Completed tab. Players will be able to claim gold and items and from this tab until June 24, 2014.


Wizard: Hydras should now properly dissipate when the owner dies or leaves the game. Increased the internal and cool down attack rate to roughly match the player's attack speed to a maximum of approximately 2 attacks per second. And added an internal cooldown to the proc rate to be roughly once per attack.


Fixed an issue where 2-Handed Legendary weapons were rolling damage appropriate to 1-handed legendary weapons. This affix rolls on Fist Weapons, Spirit Stones, and Combat Staves.

The Crusade Continues:

Unlike the Paladins, the Crusaders are an elite and insular group that has seen very little change since their founding, maintaining beliefs and practices most close to the original teachings of Akarat. Though Crusaders may exhibit similar ability to wield and bend the Light to their will as their Paladin counterparts, their fervor comes from a much more pure sense of righteousness. This is in part by design. During their formation, Akkhan made certain to only recruit those with the strongest conviction and battle potential. He also actively avoided bringing in anyone with Paladin training, fearful of any existing defilement or corruption carrying over into his crusade.

Creating the Theme:

The first step in exploring any area's design is nailing down the ultimate fantasy of the environment, or its theme. In the case of the buy diablo 3 items Blood Marsh and Ruins of Corvus that rest within it, the central theme happens to be one that's integral to the story of Diablo itself: blood.

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